Carson City, Nevada 89701
+(401) 490-JOHN (5646)

Why Let FIRELEADS Qualify Your Leads?


Why Let FIRELEADS Qualify Your Leads?

You’re a restoration company invested in a sales team and marketing department with years of experience responding to fire, water, and smoke damage incidences.  Your sales team is aggressive and your marketing team understands how to place ads on Google, it feels as if you have everything covered, right?  Or maybe you are utilizing services that use AI to capture keywords mentioned on the public safety radio system, or a pager service that is very affordable seeing they are simply utilizing volunteers who love to listen to their fire scanner radio for entertainment.

Why change?

Burnout and Turnover

Are you finding that good salespeople on your team are quitting to move on to other opportunities?  Do the mediocre sales people stick around, but offer lackluster results?  Are you hesitant to fire poor performing salespeople because having any sales team is better than none?

If this describes the current state of your sales efforts, consider your sales funnel.  Are you asking good salespeople to listen endlessly to keyword alerts all day and night generated from companies who have never chased a fire in their life?  Or are you asking them to race towards a possible revenue opportunity that every restoration company withing a fifty mile radius knows is happening, and when they arrive they are happy to not just get in a fist fight?

Or maybe your structure damage response sales team is fortunate to have fewer competitors, but find they are often following up on false alarms?  Do they complain they lost three hours of their day driving an hour and a half to a location only to find there was never a fire or water damage incident?

If you were a salesperson and this was the results of your efforts, would you remain on the job?

Addiction to Marketing Spend

How about your marketing team?  Are they spending thousands of dollars every month on ad placements online only to find that those leads are closed by those salespeople who already showed up and captured the business?  Do you find that if your marketing budget is tight one month and you stop spending money on Google ads, the leads you receive online dry up immediately?  And because of this, do you feel addicted to Google ad spending?

Expensive Solutions

Do you feel stuck with a fire restoration lead service provider simply because you have invested thousands of dollars in equipment you need to maintain?  On top of that, are you spending thousands of dollars a month with a company that sends you a torrent of keyword alerts that need to be deciphered in order to find an address, and then when you ask for help they refuse to visit your office and expect you to fix the problem by combing through a barrage of emails?

In other words, are you tired of poor service that costs a ton of money?

Are you concerned that if you were to leave your provider you’d be stuck with thousands of dollars of equipment with no recourse?

UGC FIRELEADS is Your Answer

FIRELEADS was founded by fire chasers.  We understand your struggle and we’ve used nearly EVERY structure damage lead generation service available in America today.

We’ve built the better fire, water, and smoke damage mouse trap!

When you partner with FIRELEADS, we are focused on every aspect of your business development so YOU can focus on closing business and growing your market share.


  • QUALIFIED leads so your sales team focuses on closing business, not chasing their tail.  This means less turnover and happy salespeople.
  • Marketing efforts that pay dividends even when spending slows:  Focus your marketing efforts on building brand equity and customer recognition so that when salespeople show up to a structure damage event, the potential customer already knows their service offering is perfectly legitimate.
  • Field support, so when your team has only moments to make a sale or not, we are available to assist 24/7.
  • Options that work for YOU: Need a phone call to wake a salesperson at night? FIRELEADS can do this.  Prefer an email blast to your entire team?  FIRELEADS can do that.  Prefer text messages to some team members during the day and others at night? FIRELEADS can do that.
  • Affordable solutions: The vast majority of the time, FIRELEADS will cover ALL the costs to set up monitoring in your service territory if it does not exist already. Also, most market pricing is likely a lot less than what you are paying now for AI only generated leads but with 24/7 HUMAN QUALIFIED opportunities sent directly to your sales team coupled with 24/7 customer service.
  • Solutions tailored to your needs: Want exclusivity to your markets?  FIRELEADS can likely do this for you.  Want phone calls with details of an opportunity?  FIRELEADS can do this for you.  Want a resource to train your new hires so they can hit the road running with your sales efforts?  FIRELEADS can do this for you.

FIRELEADS is more than leads, we are your Restoration360 partner.


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