Carson City, Nevada 89701
+(401) 490-JOHN (5646)



UGC FIRELEADS reports on incidents from big to small. Below are the different types of incidents that FIRELEADS generates reports to keep your sales team focused and prepared to close every sale.  

FIRELEADS INC. Dispatch Center reports the following different types of incidents:

    • Residential Structure Fire and Smoke Incidents – House fires, attic fires, garage fires, appliance fires, chimney fires, electrical fires, kitchen fires & smoke incidents (pot on the stove, burnt food for example).
    • Large Loss Commercial Structure Fire Incidents – Fires in businesses or buildings resulting in major damage.
    • Residential Flood and Water Damage Incidents – Sprinkler discharges, water pipe breaks, flash flooding, and even mudslides.
    • Large Loss Commercial Flood and Water Incidents – Water main breaks and sprinkler discharges resulting in major damage to commercial structures.
    • Structure Damage Incidents – Structural damage, collision or collapse caused by incidents such as: vehicles or other items into structures, earthquakes, construction accidents, explosions, fireworks failures, landslides, mudslides, wind, tornadoes, and hurricanes. 
    • Wildland Fire Incidents – Wildland fire reports which summarizes information on large national incidents.

FIRELEADS INC. Dispatch Center DOES NOT report the following different types of incidents:

    • Information without actionable data such as addresses
    • False Alarms¹
    • EMS/medial only events
    • Simple keyword matching that will waste your team’s time

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Text Alerts “Pre Alerts” 

FIRELEADS Inc. offers customers real-time text notifications at key stages of an incident. You’ll receive alerts as soon as an incident begins, updates on the scene assessment when the first engine arrives, and confirmation before the official email report is sent. These notifications typically occur within 8 minutes of the incident start, giving your company a valuable head start.

START OF INCIDENT – This information lets you know when an incident is originally starting, giving you a heads up of a possible incident. EXAMPLE: 274 Main Street, Los Altos FD enroute to possible residential structure fire. 

SCENE SIZE UP – This information lets you know in real time of what is being reported live from the scene. EXAMPLE: 274 Main Street, Los Altos FD on scene smoke and fire showing

INCIDENT DEFINED—This information explains the incident and whether FIRELEADS Inc. will write an incident report on it. EXAMPLE: 274 Main Street, Los Altos FD going to 2nd alarm and going into fire attack. LTF


3/26/2020 524 Francisco Court, Roseville, CA. FD Enroute to possible residential structure fire. 

2/22/2020 4727 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA. FD on the scene of working Apartment fire. LTF.

1/1/2020 287 Main Street, Portland, OR. FD was en route to a possible commercial water incident.

1/1/2020 287 Main Street, Los Altos, CA. FD on the scene of confirmed water incident. LTF.

Email Reports Incident Reports

FIRELEADS Inc. provides real-time incident summary reports containing detailed information that are in progress or recently occurred through any means you need, whether it be reports that are emailed, sent via text, and/or a phone call to your sales people. Our services take the time to paint a clear picture of what happened, giving our clients an insight into the incident from all angles.


Incident Number: 3.26.2020.009

Incident Type: *STRUCTURE FIRE* – Residential

Incident Date/Time: 11.26.2024 3:30pm

Incident Address: 2731 Francisco Court Roseville, CA 95678

Incident Cross Streets: Rand Way

Incident County: Placer County

Incident Notes/Report: Placer County Fire Department has sent out a structure fire response to this location. Caller reports smoke and flames coming from the exterior of a residence. FD on scene reports smoke and flames showing from the exterior and into the attic of a two-story building, declaring a working fire. FD established a water supply with fast attack lines. FD going into fire attack with 2 in and 2 out. FD reports an extension to the second and first floors. FD conducted a primary search, all clear. FD reports there is salvage and is requesting an investigator. FD reports sending a truck company to the roof for vertical ventilation. FD is on scene, working at this time.


Owner Information: Mr. and Mrs Smith ~ Same Address ~ (801) 878-2224 Home Line (801) 287-1832 Cell Phone

Complex/Business Information: NA

Renters/Unit/Suite Information: Same As Owner 

Property Information: 5 beds 3 baths 3,046 sq ft single-family residential. Built-in 1992, Owner occupied.

Property Value Last Estimated At: Approximately $655k

Dispatcher: SP

¹ FIRELEADS clients have a choice of receiving only QUALIFIED leads, i.e. leads verified to be a revenue opportunity, or INSTANT information which at first will be unconfirmed leads that will inform your sales team of a potential revenue opportunity.  INSTANT information may result in a false alarm, but also will either prepare your team to act, or initiate their travel to beat their competition.

UGC FIRELEADS – A company dedicated to the ones who respond, manage, and restore. – Who Leads You?